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From Portrush Harbour to Across Europe: A Journey in Wildlife Conservation

May 16, 2024

Late last year, Richard Connor and the dedicated team at Causeway Boats hosted a segment for a pan-European wildlife conservation series, produced by the European Broadcasting Union (EBU). In the series, presenter Derek Mooney embarks on a journey across Europe to spotlight the tireless efforts of wildlife conservationists.

In collaboration with Queen's University Marine Laboratory and FJORDSTRONG, the team at Causeway Boats highlighted, to a European audience, the important uplifting story of their local efforts to help the flapper skate, a globally endangered species, recover in our local coastal waters

The North Channel is one of the few places in the world where the critically endangered flapper skate can still be found and has become a focal point for conservation efforts.

A dedicated group of marine biologists from Queen’s University Belfast has been at the forefront of this mission. Using information gathered from local anglers about recent sightings, they have pinpointed several key locations to conduct their research.
This hands-on approach not only helps to better understand the species but also raises awareness about the urgent need to protect these creatures.

For the team at Causeway Boats, being part of such an impactful project was a testament to their commitment to marine conservation. Their work along with Queen’s University Marine Laboratory showcases how local initiatives can contribute to global conservation efforts.

The episode, which aired on Sunday evening, is part of a broader series entitled "Back From The Brink" and is available to watch on RTE player - Back to the Brink.


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